Welcome to NOSISA

A community, NPO organization whose functions and mandates are community driven and orientated. An organization that promotes and facilitates the provision of programs of non-formal education and skills development within communities.

aims & objectives

The organization’s main goal is to ensure that there is a massive and aggressive

introduction of skills programs and non-formal education in the communities, with an aim of addressing all social ills

associated with poverty, unemployment and high levels of inequality.

The organization also intends to create an environment which is compatible to the National Development Plan as well as the Sustainable Development Goals agenda 2030.
The organization is fixated on reaching out to the communities; interacting with all members of the society in the mission of finding ways in which there could be an introduction of skills programs and non-formal education that would then begin to effect the necessary changes for the betterment of those respective communities.

NOSISA is relentlessly forging close relations with the members of the society, with an aim of facilitating the provision of non-formal education and skills programs that are community driven. NOSISA continuously engaged in the sustained consultative interactions with the communities and society at large.

NOSISA seeks to create a bridge between SETA, accredited facilitators of different skills program and the community.

NOSISA seeks to work with Community Education and Training Colleges (CETC), as well as any other likeminded stakeholders with an intention of advancing the society and bringing about the key community development programs thereof.

NOSISA is a community, NPO organization whose functions and mandates are community

driven and orientated. NOSISA's existence stems from the need of ensuring that there is a 


concerted effort  in accelerating the processes of initiating and provision of  the programs of non-formal education and skills development.  It draws its inspirations from the need of bringing about those

fundamental changes that would begin to improve the socioeconomic conditions of those who

live under severe conditions of the infamous abject poverty. The founding members recognizes

and acknowledges the urgency and the need for a meaningful action of bringing about that push, which will in turn ensure that there is an acceleration of the introduction of the non-

formal education and skills program, for the communities and society at large. NOSISA draws its programs from the clarion call that presents itself through the public display of the social ills, as they are well known.

founding principles

The members of community are  eligible to become members of NOSISA.

The office bearers shall determine a policy on membership acquisition that does not discriminate anyone.

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NOSISA remains supportive to the governmental institutions in ensuring that those institutions insource relevant facilitators of the respective skills program.

The organization serves as a link between the skills programs facilitators and the members of the community as well as the CET Colleges.

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cet colleges

The organization remains align towards the objectives of all the CET colleges in the South Africa and aims at ensuring that there is a great and advanced working relations with the respective

Colleges from all different parts of the country.

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implimentation of skills

The organization shall monitor the attendance and the progress of the trainees by

interacting with the CETCs and facilitators and also motivating the trainees to remain

focused and dedicated.

The organization  have developed a program on how to execute the process of


The organization have in place, progress checklist to ensure that there is a

successful execution of the assessment on the progress of the training and the

involvement of the community thereof.

The organization's interaction with the private institutions and companies is aimed

at  facilitating the consolidation of the resources necessary for the implementation

of the non-formal education and skills programs.